Tuesday, March 22, 2016

So angry

God, I'm so mad. When Leo came home yesterday he wanted to talk so we did. He was happy enough with the answers he got on why he have to come home from dad on mondays. But then he says that K has tried to call me and text me to talk about the kids being there every other week. Eeeeh, excuse me. It's the other way around. I don't get an answer when I call and if I text him it can take up to three or for days before he answers it. I texted him yesterday about how it went with Leo at the dentist and still no answer.

Right now it's snowing again. But lucky for me it doesn't stay on the ground. It's a good thing that my internship isn't far away. But in this weather it's farther away than I would have wanted. Let's see if I can find my umbrella. I'm thinking about getting my winter jacket on my way out.

After the internship I'll take the bus to the store to get some dinner. Today we are having salmon and mashed potatoes. They had cheap salmon this week. It's something we love har but doesn't eat that often.

Then a quick walk home and start some laundry. Now the laundry basket is full again even though it feels like I don't do anything else but laundry.

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