Friday, January 29, 2016

Not a good day

Yesterday was not a good day. Me and J were really at odds and I was so frustrated and sad that he wouldn't even try to see it from my point of view. Until evening when we were in bed watching Hells Kitchen. He apologized and said that he had been thinking and now understood what I was saying and that he would respect that.

Today I'm gonna spend the evening by myself, the first for a long time. J is going out with a friend. He haven't done that in a long time so I hope he has a really good time. But he would come here after and sleep here. Good, good, Lilith doesn't like to sleep alone.

But before night time comes I have some other stuff to do. We are going grocery shopping for the weekend when the munchkins get home from school so I have to think of something to eat, I'm gonna get myself ready and then I have to do the dishes after breakfast. Bleh.

But tomorrow Kalle would try to fix so that we can use the dishwasher again so soon I can hopefully put away the dish rack and enjoy my dishwasher.

Alone time in bed under the blanket

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